Configure services with Dhall

Posted on 11 October 2020

For services, running inside a docker container, parsing command line options may be an overkill. Adding an option every time we need a new configuration value does feel like a lost effort. In addition, the contract between the service and outside world is getting more and more complicated, increasing the likelihood of misconfiguration.

What we can do about it? We can use a proper configuration language instead. In many languages we can actually derive parsing and serialisation code using some form of meta programming or generics making it the overhead even smaller.

A lot of services, these days, use YAML, JSON, or some INI-style configuration, but we won’t be talking about those. There’s a lot of articles on the internet on this topic and we don’t need to duplicate it. Here we’ll focus on services written in Haskell that are using Dhall configuration language. Here are some of the things that are special when it comes to this pairing:

Some related articles:

Minimalistic Command-line Contract

While there are myriad of way this can be defined, the simplest of them that can be easily used with containers is just providing CONFIG environment variable:


While this is certainly useful, it doesn’t allow us to use the full power of Haskell and Dhall pairing. Instead, we’ll use the following command-line contract for our EXECUTABLEs:

[CONFIG=EXPR] EXECUTABLE [--config=EXPR] [--typecheck]
EXECUTABLE --print-config-type

We have two ways of how we can pass the configuration value:

In addition to that we have two additional configuration options:

Something that should be noted about the following calling convention:

[CONFIG=EXPR] EXECUTABLE [--config=EXPR] [--typecheck]

Is that at least either CONFIG=EXPR or --config=EXPR must be supplied when running the service. This is to avoid having defaults in our services. While it can be useful to start the service with test configuration, it can easily lead to production misconfiguration.

Some related articles:

Keep Your Secrets

The way secrets are exposed to a service running in a container can be classified into following methods:

  1. Environment variables — secrets are exported as a set of environment variables available inside the container.

  2. Configuration files — secrets are written into configuration files that are then volume mounted into the container for the service to access.

  3. Secrets API — service has to retrieve it itself through an API that’s usually some kind of key-value store with security of secrets in mind.

    This approach is not covered in this article, but it’s easy to change our configuration definition to use something like (example is hypothetical and is written in Dhall):

    let Secret = < Value : Text | Reference : Text >
    in  { database =
          { host = ""
          , port = 5432
          , user = Secret.Reference "db-user"
          , password = Secret.Reference "db-password"
        , api = { port = 8080, host = None Text }
        , healthApi = { port = 8090, host = None Text }

    When the application loads the configuration file it knows that it needs to fetch the secrets through the secrets API using provided reference, probably a key to lookup in the key-value store. Other approaches are possible as well.

We can handle methods 1 and 2 in pure Dhall allowing us to decouple a lot of infrastructure specific decisions from how services are built. In other words, we don’t need to change the service if we decide to rename an environment variable or a configuration file. We can even switch between environment variables and files without needing to touch the code. The only exception is the third method, as this requires the application to understand the API for retrieving secrets.

Some related articles:

Environment Variables

Dhall supports imports in the form env:ENV_VAR where ENV_VAR is a name of an environment variable. What it allows us to do is:

{ database =
  { host = ""
  , port = 5432
  , user = env:DB_USER as Text
  , password = env:DB_PASSWORD as Text
, api = { port = 8080, host = None Text }
, healthApi = { port = 8090, host = None Text }

Where DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD are environment variables containing secrets.

The env:ENV_VAR as Text means that the value of ENV_VAR will be treated as is, instead of Dhall expression.

Some related articles:

Configuration Files

File paths are imports in Dhall the same way as env:ENV_VAR or an URL is. This allows us to easily use the same syntax to access files:

{ database =
  { host = ""
  , port = 5432
  , user = /config/db-user as Text
  , password = /config/db-password as Text
, api = { port = 8080, host = None Text }
, healthApi = { port = 8090, host = None Text }

Where /config/db-user and /config/db-passowrd are files volume mounted into the container and they contain the secrets.

The /file/path as Text means that the contents of /file/path will be imported as is, instead of Dhall expression.

Some related articles:

Example Implementation

Here we will present an example implementation that uses the well known optparse-applicative library. However, this library doesn’t handle environment variables on it’s own and we’ll have to handle that part on ourselves.

In the presented example we are being very explicit, which includes NoImplicitPrelude and usage of explicit import lists. This makes the imports section more verbose, but better for readability in an article. When reading the example it may be best to skip the module header and imports sections, at first, and go back to them later.

The implementation is split into two modules Main and Configuration. We’ll start with the Main (Haskell entry point) to set the stage:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-- |
-- Description: An example of a service configured using Dhall
-- Copyright:   (c) 2020 Peter Trško
-- License:     BSD3
-- An example of a service executable configured using Dhall passed using
-- command-line options or an environment variable.
module Main
    ( main

import Data.Maybe (Maybe)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.String (String)
import Data.Word (Word16)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import System.IO (IO, print)
import Text.Show (Show)

import qualified Dhall
import qualified Options.Applicative as Options

import Configuration (getConfiguration)

data Listen = Listen
    { host :: Maybe String
    , port :: Word16
  deriving stock (Generic, Show)
  deriving anyclass (Dhall.FromDhall)

data Database = Database
    { host :: String
    , port :: Word16
    , user :: String
    , password :: String
  deriving stock (Generic, Show)
  deriving anyclass (Dhall.FromDhall)

data Config = Config
    { api :: Listen
    , healthApi :: Listen
    , database :: Database
  deriving stock (Generic, Show)
  deriving anyclass (Dhall.FromDhall)

-- | Main entry point. Responsible for parsing command-line options and reading
-- environment variables to get configuration and then run the 'service'
-- itself.
main :: IO ()
main = do
    config <- getConfiguration
        ( Options.fullDesc
        <> Options.header "Very useful info those that call the '--help'."

    service config

-- | The serice code itself.
service :: Config -> IO ()
service = {- ... -}

Now the implementation of getConfiguration that allows us to be so brief in the Main module:

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- |
-- Description: An example of Dhall-centric access to configuration
-- Copyright:   (c) 2020 Peter Trško
-- License:     BSD3
-- An example of Dhall-centric access to configuration which is passed using
-- command-line options or an environment variable. In addition to that we
-- leverage Dhall-specific features like typechecking to provide the ability to
-- test configuration before running the service.
module Configuration
    ( getConfiguration

import Control.Applicative ((<**>), (<*>), (<|>), optional, pure)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad ((>>=))
import Data.Function ((.))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Just, Nothing), maybe)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.String (fromString)
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Exit (die, exitSuccess)
import System.IO (IO)

import qualified Data.Either.Validation as Validation
    ( Validation(Failure, Success)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Dhall
    ( Decoder(Decoder, expected)
    , input
import qualified Options.Applicative as Options
    ( InfoMod
    , Parser
    , execParser
    , flag
    , flag'
    , help
    , helper
    , info
    , long
    , metavar
    , strOption
import qualified Prettyprinter (line, pretty)
import qualified Prettyprinter.Render.Text as Prettyprinter (putDoc)

data Mode
    = Execute (Maybe Text)
    -- ^ We want to execute the application with the given configuration. If
    -- the configuration is 'Nothing' we need to read the environment variable.
    | Typecheck (Maybe Text)
    -- ^ We want to do a dry-run during which we only typecheck the
    -- configuration. If the configuration is 'Nothing' we need to read the
    -- environment variable.
    | PrintType
    -- ^ Instead of doing anything just print the type of the configuration the
    -- application expects to be given.

    :: forall config
    .  Dhall.Decoder config
    -- ^ Dhall 'Dhall.Decoder' consists of parser and expected type. Dhall
    -- library provides one special 'Dhall.Decoder':
    -- @
    -- '' :: 'Dhall.FromDhall' a => 'Dhall.Decoder' a
    -- @
    -- Which allows us to use type class mechanism for deriving and combining
    -- parsers and is a good default in many cases.
    -> (forall a. Options.InfoMod a)
    -- ^ Allows options parser configuration including help message information
    -- and general parser behaviour. Reason for rank-2 type is that we don't
    -- want to expose the unnecessary internals of the parser we are using.
    -> IO config
getConfiguration decoder@Dhall.Decoder{expected} infoMod =
    parseOptions >>= \case
        Execute config ->
            parseConfig config

        Typecheck config -> do
            _ <- parseConfig config

        PrintType -> do
    parseConfig :: Maybe Text -> IO config
    parseConfig possiblyExpr = do
        expr <- case possiblyExpr of
            Just expr ->
                pure expr

            Nothing ->
                lookupEnv "CONFIG" >>= maybe dieNoConfig (pure . fromString)

        Dhall.input decoder expr

    printType :: IO ()
    printType = case expected of
        Validation.Success expr ->
                ( Prettyprinter.pretty expr
                <> Prettyprinter.line

        Validation.Failure err ->
            -- This indicates a bug in the Decoder.
            throwIO err

    dieNoConfig :: IO a
    dieNoConfig =
        die "Either `CONFIG=EXPR' environment variable or `--config=EXPR'\
            \ command-line option must be specified"

    parseOptions :: IO Mode
    parseOptions =
        Options.execParser ( (options <**> Options.helper) infoMod)

    options :: Options.Parser Mode
    options = printTypeFlag <|> (typecheckFlag <*> optional configOption)

    configOption :: Options.Parser Text
    configOption = Options.strOption
        ( Options.long "config"
        <> Options.metavar "EXPR"
        <> "Set configration to EXPR, where EXPR is a Dhall\
            \ expression; if application fails to parse or typecheck the EXPR\
            \ it terminates with exit code 1"

    typecheckFlag :: Options.Parser (Maybe Text -> Mode)
    typecheckFlag = Options.flag Execute Typecheck
        ( Options.long "typecheck"
        <> "Typecheck the configuration and exit; exit code 0 is\
            \ used on success and exit code 1 on failure to typecheck"

    printTypeFlag :: Options.Parser Mode
    printTypeFlag = Options.flag' PrintType
        ( Options.long "print-config-type"
        <> "Print Dhall type of configuration accepted by the\
            \ application"

The above code was tested and built with:

If we compile the above code (with some sensible definition for service) and name it example-service then we get following help message:

user@machine:~ $ ./example-service --help
Very useful info those that call the '--help'.

Usage: example-service [--print-config-type | [--typecheck] [--config EXPR]]

Available options:
  --print-config-type      Print Dhall type of configuration accepted by the
  --typecheck              Typecheck the configuration and exit; exit code 0 is
                           used on success and exit code 1 on failure to
  --config EXPR            Set configration to EXPR, where EXPR is a Dhall
                           expression; if application fails to parse or
                           typecheck the EXPR it terminates with exit code 1
  -h,--help                Show this help text

If we don’t supply a configuration we get:

user@machine:~ $ ./example-service
Either `CONFIG=EXPR' environment variable or `--config=EXPR' command-line
option must be specified

And when we supply an incorrect configuration we get a pretty good idea what’s going on:

user@machine:~ $ ./example-service --config='{=}'
Error: Expression doesn't match annotation

{ - api : …
, - database : …
, - healthApi : …

1│ {=} : { api : { host : Optional Text, port : Natural }
2│ , healthApi : { host : Optional Text, port : Natural }
3│ , database : { host : Text, port : Natural, user : Text, password : Text }
4│ }
